What is a Neck-less Style Glass Fitter and How is it used?

Joseph T. -

What is a Neckless Style Glass Fitter and How is it used?

A Neckless Style Glass Fitter is meant to hang a Glass Ball Shade with No-Neck.

The neckless holder has an Inside plate and an Outside cover.

The neckless ball shade hangs on the inside plate. A neckless glass ball shade should Only be used in a Vertical Orientation since Gravity is allowing the ball to rest in place. The outside cover clamps the ball in place. A mechanism must be used to allow the cover to slide away(unclamp the ball shade) and allow the Ball Shade to be lifted and tilted and removed to facilitate bulb replacement. Commonly a Slip Ring is Used to Hold the Cover Down. Another Variation Involves a special fitting and a nut and Bushing to hold it clamped in place.

Please Watch Our Video Below for an Example of a Neckless Ball Fixture being Assembled.

Video: Assembly of a Mid-Century Modern Neckless Fixture

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